CREAMY BUCKWHEAT PORRIDGE // vegan & gluten free

This porridge takes a little time to make (soaking, blending & cooking) but it is really worth it. I like the nutty flavor the buckwheat adds - it goes perfect with my healthy chia jam.
You can use whole buckwheat groats instead of the bulgur I used if you can't find it - it will probably be even creamier!
With only 155 calories per cup cooked and 6 grams of protein, buckwheat really is a superfood! It is known to improve heart health and digestion and helps to prevent diabetes!
The coconut sugar is low GI (35 - white sugar has a GI of 70), which means it won't cause a spike in your blood sugar levels, contains less fructose (make this dish low fructose by changing the topping to some nuts if you like) and offers a few more minerals than other sugar. Overall - a healthier alternative to refined sugar. Check out the recipe here: